8500, Gray Street, Chicago, IL, 55030

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Grand Islamic Gathering with Chicago Imams


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Years Together
Happy Eid-Il Fitr Celebration To All Muslim Faithfuls
Happy Eid-Il Fitr Celebration To All Muslim Faithfuls
Assalamu Alaikum Warahmatullahi Wabarakatuhu, It is with great joy and pleasure that I extend warm f...
Islamic Education in Nigeria: Past and Present
Islamic Education in Nigeria: Past and Present
Islam is a religion of education and scholarship. This statement gains support in the first revelati...

If You are in Doubt Ask Allah

Featured Sermons

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And You’ll Save Yours

Multi-Billion Naira Empowerment Scheme

Multi-Billion Naira Empowerment Scheme

Multi-Billion Naira Empowerment Scheme which will be sited in one of the six-member states in South-West of Nigeria.

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Build A Mosque

Build A Mosque

Donate and give sadaqah to the Mosque Building Fund. This fund is used to construct the house of Allah in rural communities across Africa and Asia. Build a mosque in this world and build your palace in Jannah.

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Donate for Education

Donate for Education

Elit duis volutpat ligula nulla dapibus molestie mi consectetur auctor nullam eu augue tincidunt, varius felis et, pulvinar augue, aliquam accumsan fringilla lorem, in ornare mi vestibulum ante tincidunt, maximus sapien at feugiat neque cras.

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Our Contacts

0 (800) 420-78-78

9.00 am – 6.00 pm

8500, Gray Street,

Chicago, IL, 55030

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